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Code-it Hacks Journey

 A Roadmap

While it is important to introduce coding concepts to school aged children early, it is also important to not overwhelm them, thus introducing the concepts in a logical sequence.

We have carefully thought through our program to ensure that textual programming languages are not introduced too early on. Our objective is to instil the love of coding in kids and not make it yet another subject they have to master. 

The roadmap below is a guideline to illustrate one of many paths a child can take in pursuing their interest in coding. We start them slow with visual programming platforms such as Scratch, Alice etc. Once the key concepts are understood learning more advanced textual programming languages such as: Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby etc. are introduced.

Code basics

Animation with

Game building basics

Storyboard. Intro to Physical computing

Intro to Computer Science concepts, Textual Programming

Portfolio Building: Apps, games, Designs, etc.


Code basics

using coding gadgets. Into to Logical movements & Sequencing patterns using code


Grades 1 - 3 

Create Websites,

Advanced games,

Intro to Textual programming,

Intro to 

App development

Grades  4 - 6

Grades 7- 9

Algorithms, Decomposition, Data Science principles, Into to Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Robotics

Portfolio Building for university prep: Apps, games, Designs, etc.


Grades 10- 12

Fundamentals of coding

Intermediate  coding

Advanced coding & Concepts

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